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Sidus and Worldview of Sáuilaþiudōs Haírþō

Sidus and Worldview of Sáuilaþiudōs Haírþō This section is but an early formulation of my ideas on Hearth Cult as Sáuilaþiudōs Haírþō (formerly Sunnōniz Fulka Herþaz or Sunfolk Hearth) practices it. A term with a "*" before it is almost always a reconstructed Gothic word. Some of the reconstructed words are my own work, some I found in Himma Daga 's Gothic Edda poems and the rest I borrowed from   Gutiska Haiþnis Galaubeins . The terms between "#" are intended to be translated into Gothic as soon as possible. Last Update:  16th July 2017 . Our Heathenry Basically Heathenry, according to the practice of our * hairþō (hearth), is based over what was transmitted to us through several historical documents of many Germanic peoples. I decided to use this broad, but not so broad, approach to a more vivid practice. As time passed, I realized that many customs were more common than peculiar to each tribe, even though they were cited only in accounts of Fr

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